UW Football Square Fundraiser - Untitled Page

The Sibcy Cline Kenwood office is raising money for UNITED WAY of Greater Cincinnati, and we need your help.

We have put together a Football Squares Fundraiser for the Thursday Night Bengals game against the Ravens on November 16, 2023.

Help us raise $5,000 for United Way while having the potential to win a lot of money.

Squares are $100 per square. Half will be donated to United Way.

I’ll pick your square for you. Once all the squares are purchased, we will randomly draw the numbers 0-9 for each team and enter them in the shaded areas on the grid. If your two numbers match the ending number (one’s number) of both team’s score at end of each quarter or the two-minute warnings, you win the corresponding payout.

End of 1st Quarter = $750
1st Half two-minute warning = $125
Halftime = $1,000
End of 3rd Quarter = $1,000
2nd Half two-minute warning = $125
Final = $2,000

Sign Up and Payment Options:
1. Venmo David $100 per square (title it “Football Squares” and include your email) - Venmo profile - @davidisgrig


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2. Fill out the form above and drop off cash or check to David at the Sibcy Cline Kenwood Office (8040 Montgomery Road). Please put in an envelope with your name and “Football Squares” written on it with cash or a check made payable to David Isgrig.


UW Football Grid